Wednesday, May 27, 2009

When the Fear Subsides

Last night, after my mild mental breakdown, I decided that maybe, just maybe I should open the Word and see what the God had to say about it (of course after I told Him what I thought about it). And as He always does, the Lord calmed my fear by this simple, yet powerful verse. Psalm 27:14 says, "Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord" (NLT). 

With that simple, well known phrase, my fear was wiped away. With that the Lord humbled me and reminded me that there is nothing I can do to protect Rob. Only HE can do that and He will. Rob is right where he's supposed to be and I should blessed by that not scared. I should be encouraged by his strength and willingness to reach the unreachable; He's doing EXACTLY what we've all been called to do. How dare I question God about sending someone I love to the Lost and Hopeless! 

Forgive me Lord.Humility is a difficult task sometimes, but wow, what a Blessing. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Prayers of Fear

I really need some prayers tonight. As most of you know, my wonderful boyfriend of almost 14 months, Rob, is in India this summer spreading the Gospel of Christ to different villages. Thanks to stories of people like Elisabeth Eliot I have a huge fear that Rob is going to be murdered by tribal people. So because of this fear when he got accepted into the program with the IMB to go to India I got really nervous and all I could think about was that he was going to be murdered over there. I made him promise me basically every night that he was going to be safe and come back in one piece. 

Tonight I got an email from him saying that the IMB is sending him and his team to places that Christians have never been. WHAT?? Can you say End of the Spear?? Hello? He's supposed to be safe. He's supposed to come back in one piece. We're supposed to get married and have babies and live happily ever after. Why is God sending HIM to these places where no one else has been? I'm just so afraid to lose him. I literally don't function right without him and can't even imagine a life without him beside me in the ministry. 

And I know that Satan is the author of all fear. I know that the Lord is not going to allow anything to happen that is out of his control. I know all the answers, but I don't FEEL more secure in those things right now. I need to know that come July 18th, He will be in the airport running to meet me. I need to know that I won't have to live the rest of my life missing him. I need peace to overcome my fears. I need faith to bind my heart. I need Jesus to comfort me safely in his arms. 

Sorry this is a rather raw post, but I just needed to vent. Please pray for me. Pray strength and peace. Pray faith and boldness. Pray joy and reverence. Pray guidance and patience. I love and appreciate you all.