In about 10 days, school will be out for the summer. This is usually around the time that teachers decide to cram in the last of the homework that they have forgotten about until now. In the next two weeks I have 6 assignments due. So that's what Saturday was for; getting as much work done as possible to lighten my load as much as possible before I have to start studying for finals.
When I have days like Saturday, where all I do is school work, I like to give myself little breaks to regain my sanity. So for lunch I decided to eat outside to soak up a little of the beautiful day. As I was sitting out there, listening to the birds chirping, watching the trees swaying, and feeling the breeze cooling down the hot day, I suddenly started to cry. In that moment I was vastly overcome with awe-stricken wonder at the majesty of our Creator, of our Father. It absolutely astounded me to think on and experience the perfection of this earth and to imagine that one day it will be even more beautiful as it is now.
Not only did it overwhelm me to gaze upon the beauty of His creation, but also to think that the same God who did all that is the same God who longs to deepen His relationship with me, yearns to be my Abba, desires to heal my open wounds, to hear my darkest secrets and deepest fears.
All of this to me is Utterly Captivating.